Strategic Values and Political Structure of Euro-Atlantic Security (Situation Analysis Findings within the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative) / Eds. A. Dynkin, I. Ivanov. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010, 33 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0257-3

The collection «Strategic values and political structure of Euro-Atlantic security» is based on the findings of the situation analysis, organized in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative (EASI) project. The EASI was launched by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and is implemented by the group of prominent politicians and experts from Russia, the USA and Europe with the goal to elaborate proposals on the new Euro-Atlantic security structure. IMEMO is the key partner of the project in Russia. All participants of the project see the solution of the problems not through the prism of Russian-Western relations, but in the context of common threats to the security. Such an approach serves for more effective promotion of Russian vision of all-European security. The EASI project and Russian active participation in it were recognized as expedient by the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This collection continues the series of publications under IMEMO and EASI aegis in Russia. It contains the analysis of the conceptual, ideological and political aspects of the notion of Euro-Atlantic security, the options for joint actions, as well as institutional, management and legal characteristics of the Euro-Atlantic security structure.

Keywords: Euro-Atlantic security |


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