ISBN 978-5-9776-0208-2
This Forecast represents interdisciplinary research of a probabilistic character. It is based on a vision of global prospects shared by a large group of experts, who have been scrutinizing various global problems, as well as separate regions and countries, for quite a long time. The statistical framework consists of forecast assessments of GDP, labor productivity, R&D spending and other indicators derived with the aid of IMEMO`s original methodology. The Forecast objective is to highlight the risks and opportunities for Russia from key global political and economic trends. The Forecast describes the trends of global development and the forms in which they manifest themselves in various spheres of society - ideology, the economy, social relations, and politics. A separate section discusses the centers and regions of global development. The results of the analysis of prospects for global development determine the risks and opportunities facing Russia. This publication is intended for the staff of governmental organizations, businesspeople, members of the expert community, and the public at large.
Keywords: world development | social relations | risks | R&D |
Russian Science Citation Index
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Pankova Ludmila
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Gontmakher Evgeniy
Russian social inequality as a factor of socio-political stability / Gontmakher Evgeny
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Pantin Vladimir
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The Greater Middle East in World Economy and International Relations (Global Development, iss. 18) / Yu. D. Kvashnin, N.V. Toganova, eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2017. – 152 p
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Sadovaya Elena
The role and the place of trade unions in modernization of Russia.
Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina
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Pantin Vladimir
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Kutsyna Elena
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