States in the Epoch of Globalization: Economy, Politics, Security (Global Development. Issue 3). Ed. by A. Kuznetsov, F. Voitolovsky. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2008, 219 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0150-7

New issue the “Global Development” is based on the results of the conference “States in the Epoch of Globalization” which was organized by the IMEMO Young Scholars Association at the end of 2007. The book includes 38 articles of young researchers – economists and political scientists from IMEMO and other institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and academic centers of Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk and other regions of Russia. The authors cover different topics concerning trends in economic and political globalization, regional integration, global problems and their influence on the transformations of state as an actor of world economy and international politics. The researchers analyze new challenges to national and interstate political, financial and governmental institutions, relations between states and non-state actors, issues of state regulation in economy and economic policies. Some articles are devoted to various aspects of national foreign policies and nation-building practices. One of the objects analyzed in the book is the state sovereignty, internal and external reasons of its contemporary and possible future transformations and political implementations of these processes.

Keywords: globalization | regional integration | economic policies |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Economic globalization: Lack of balance in the world economy and the growing uncertainty (On the monograph "Prospects of economic globalization" edited by A. S. Bulatov)

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Volkov Aleksei
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