Artamonova Uliana
Становление системы контроля над информационным пространством США // Россия и Америка в XXI веке : электронный научный журнал. 2023. № Спецвыпуск 3. DOI 10.18254/S207054760029044-5. URL: Дата публикации: 22.12.2023.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2070-5476

DOI 10.18254/S207054760029044-5

After the 2016 election disinformation has been securitized in the U.S. This precedent,which intertwined disinformation with the foreign influence in public opinion, laid afoundation for the emerging system of governmental control over the information spacein the U.S. This article analyzes American official institutes charged with counteringdisinformation and foreign influence as well as the ways in which such activities arereinforced by input from tech companies and leading social media. Author studies howthe limits of acceptable content moderation extended over the years. The first stageincluded public and private efforts to moderate content related to elections and comingfrom the foreign sources. During the second stage the content censorship started to beapplied to topics other than the elections but nevertheless coming from abroad. The thirdstage – the current one – may be called a period of limitless control since the respectiveaction has been taken by the government and social media both towards all kinds ofinformation coming from foreign and domestic sources. Article concludes that the entering the new electoral period amidst the existence of unprecedentedly obvious,well-established and effectively functioning system of governmental control over theinternal information space.

Keywords: disinformation | foreign influence | malign influence | censorship | U.S.A. | freedom of speech | social media |


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