Становление постиндустриальной общепланетарной цивилизации // Вопросы теоретической экономики : [электронный журнал]. – 2020. – № 2. – С. 86-98. DOI 10.24411/2587-7666-2020-10205.URL: http://questionset.ru/files/arch/2020/2020-N2/VTE_2020_2.pdf (дата обращения: 16.11.2020).
ISSN 2587-7666
DOI 10.24411/2587-7666-2020-10205
The article analyzes the prerequisites and grounds of post-industrial transition as a process of formation of a planetary post-industrial civilization. In historical perspective it is showed that planetary civilization began to form already in the conditions of transition to the industrial stage of development. Post-industrial transition is caused by revolutionary changes in technologies in energy, info-communication and other sectors which entail drastic changes in social structure of society and the field of politics. Post-industrial transition is a multi-level process of development and consolidation of civilization on new technical, technological, socio-economic and cultural value bases. Under its influence, local civilizations will gradually transform and integrate into the general civilization flow but in short-term perspective, the complete disappearance of local civilization features should be not expected.
Keywords: civilization | post-industrial transit | technological revolution | globalization | democratic orders |
Russian Science Citation Index
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