Dmitriev Sergey
United States: the claim for world leadership in hydrocarbon energy
Publication Type:

ISSN 2409-5516

The article analyses the main factors contributing to strengthening the position of the United States on the world oil market, assesses the claim of this country`s position as an «energy superpower», the role of innovative technologies in the development of these processes and contains forecasts of U.S. oil exports for the period up to 2035. 

Keywords: United States | energy superpower | energy abundance | energy technologies | energy infrastructure | reindustrialization | oil exports |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Энергетическая безопасность глобализирующегося мира и Россия. Под ред. Симония Н.А., Жукова С.В. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2008, 354 с.

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Dmitriev Sergey
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World Oil and Natural Gas Markets: Sharpening Competition / Zhukov S.V., ed. – Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2017. – 192 p.

Zolina Svetlana, Kopytin Ivan, Reznikova Oksana
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Perspectives for tight oil production in Argentina

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