USA: Opportunities and Limits of Economic and Political Leadership. In 2 vv. / Voitolovsky F.G., Kirichenko E.V., eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016–2017. ISBN 978-5-9535-0483-6 Vol. 1 / Kirichenko E.V., ed. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 240 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0483-6

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0490-4

Vol. 1 / Kirichenko E.V., ed. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 240 p.
ISBN 978-5-9535-0490-4

In the first volume, the authors focus their attention on the major problems that define the US position in the world economy. The factors of the American economic leadership, possibilities and limits of its realization under the conditions of rapidly changing world and the challenges of the second decade of the 21st century are analyzed. The dominating force of American social and economic development is its reliance on the human potential and its ability to dynamically generate innovations. These issues are treated with special awareness. The role of corporate sector in maintaining the US economic leadership is studied. Monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System, financial regulatory reform, immigration and immigration policy, and evolution of energy policy are also objects of research. The book is designed for political and scientific communities’ members, but also for the public at large.

Keywords: US | social and economic development | financial regulatory reform | energy policy |

Russian Science Citation Index


Komova Anna
German Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy of the “Economic Miracle”: Growth or Stabilization

Podkolzina Inna
Anti-crisis policy of the eurozone monetary authorities.

Podkolzina I.
The Effect of Asset Values on Monetary Policy / Podkolzina Inna

Zhukova Tatiana
The Role of Credit Expansion in Spain’s Economic Miracle: Aspects of Inflation

Podkolzina I.
Некоторые актуальные проблемы российской денежно-кредитной политики в исследованиях европейских экономистов / И.А. Подколзина // Деньги и кредит. – 2009. – № 8. – С. 58–70.

Ranneva Nonna
Денежно-кредитная политика США: на пути к нормализации [Текст] / Н. А. Раннева // Международная экономика. – 2018. – № 12. – С. 57-79.

EU member states economies after the introduction of the euro: from euphoria of 1999 to the debt crisis of the 2010s. Eds. A.V. Kuznetsov and E.S. Khesin. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2013, 250 p.

Bahtaraeva Karina
The role of the credit control system and exchange rate policy in Italy’s economic modernization

Zhukova Tatiana
Финансовая стратегия модернизации Китая: от начала политики открытости до наших дней [Текст] / Т.В. Жукова // Банковские услуги. – 2015. – № 5. – С. 28 – 39.

Kirichenko Elina
Федеральная резервная система США: пересмотр политики [Текст] / Э. В. Кириченко // Международная экономика. – 2018. – № 5. – С. 66-78.

Bahtaraeva Karina
The role of the financial system in Italy’s economic miracle

Японский калейдоскоп. Отв. ред. д.э.н. В.Б. Рамзес. М., Восточная литература, 2006, 18,9 п.л.

Mirkin Yakov
Нужна революция в головах [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Эксперт. – 2013. – № 30-31 (861). – 36 – 37.

Komova Anna
The Role of Credit, Subsidies and Foreign Finance in German Investment Policy of the “Economic Miracle”

Система механизмов социально-экономического развития США. Ответственный редактор Кириченко Э.В., Марцинкевич В.И. 15 а.л.

Timasheva Tatiana
Immigration Policy of Canada. Ed. by Shkundin M.Z. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2008.

Tatuzov Viktor
Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Policy (Based on Examples of Certain Countries)

Zhukova Tatiana
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