Ten seminars on problems of development in today’s conditions took place at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) in 2006-2009. This book is a collection of papers presented and discussed during these meetings. Along with the general aspects of modernization in the context of globalization, the cases of some particular countries were examined too. IMEMO researchers were joined in this project by a number of scholars from other Russian and foreign institutes.
Keywords: modernization |
Russian Science Citation Index
Kuzmina Elena
Modernization of the Caspian States economy (Kazakhstan as an example)
Shishkov Yu.
Модернизация. Машинное отделение / Ю.В. Шишков // Прямые инвестиции. – 2010. – № 10. – С. 36–38.
Contemporary Problems of Development. Papers of Theoretical Seminar at IMEMO RAN. Iss. II. In 2 vol. / V.G. Khoros, ed. vol. 1. – Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2016. – 222 p.
Contemporary Problems of Development. Papers of Theoretical Seminar at IMEMO RAN. Iss. II. In 2 vol. / V.G. Khoros, ed. – Vol. 2. Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 190 p.
Modernization, avtoritarism and democration. Eds. N. Zagladin, V. Katagarova. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010
Lapkin Vladimir
«Modernization» and «Capitalism»: Rethinking Contemporary Political Change //Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 41-54
Modernization of Russian Economy: structural potencial. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010
Grigoriev Leonid, Tambovtsev V.
Modernization through Coalitions / L. Grigoriev, V. Tambovtsev
Russian Economy Modernization in the Context of Globalization: Conceptual, Methodological and Practical Aspects. Ed. by Yu. Kurenkov. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2007.
Klinova Marina
Russian economy problems: french researchers view // Economic and Social Problems of Russia. 2020. No. 4 (44), pp. 48–65.
Idea of Russia’s «Own Peculiar Way» and Search for National and Civilization Identity in Russian Mass Consciousness in the Context of Modernization. Ed. by V. Lapkin and V. Pantin. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2004.
Salitskii Alexander
Can we speak of a new social formation in China?
Burkova Elena
Ecological modernization, non-governmental organizations and the protection of woods in Russia
Semenenko Irina
Семененко, И.С. [Рецензия] [Текст] / И.С. Семененко // Pro et Contra. – 2013. – Т. 17. – № 3-4. – С. 130 – 133. – Рец. на книгу: Политическая модернизация государства в России: Необходимость, направления, издержки, риски/И.М.Бусыгина, М. Филиппов. – М.: Фонд «Либеральная миссия», 2012. – 222 с.
Kazennov Sergey, E.M. Korooleva
Модернизация оборонного комплекса РФ: необходимость и возможность / С.Ю. Казеннов, Е.М. Королёва // Россия и современный мир. – 2010. – № 3. – С. 99–109.
Mirkin Yakov
Трансформация в социальную рыночную экономику - миф или реальность для России // Экономическое возрождение России. 2021. № 1 (67). С. 48-53. DOI 10.37930/1990-9780-2021-1-67-48-53.
Kudrov Valentin
Модернизация и инновации – главные моторы современного прогресса / В.М. Кудров // Современная Европа. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 65–76.
Grigoriev Leonid
Investment Process: Stock of Problems and Interests / L. Grigoriev
Obolenskiy Vladimir
Технологическая модернизация в условиях посткризисного развития мировой экономики. В сб: Внешнеэкономическое измерение новой индустриализации России. Под. ред. Е.Б. Ленчук. СПб.: Алетейя. – 2015. – С. 16–25.
Salitskii Alexander, Alekseeva E.
Китай на ниве автоматизации [Текст] / А.И. Салицкий, Е.А. Алексеева // Восток. Афро–азиатские общества: история и современность. – 2017. – № 2. – С. 143-149.
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