Contemporary France: between worries and hopes / M.V. Klinova, A.K. Kudriavtsev, P.P. Timofeev, eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2022. – 256 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0605-2

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0605-2

The collective monograph contains a comprehensive analysis of the state of France by the end of the presidential period of Emmanuel Macron (2017-2022). The paper shows the main goals and results of his socio-economic policy, the alignment and ups and downs of the struggle of party-political forces, France’s place in the international arena and its relations with key centers of power as well as military initiatives of E. Macron. The work identifies the key problems that determine the further development of the French Republic. The work is addressed to diplomats and government officials, representatives of the business community, experts, university professors, graduate students and students, as well as everyone interested in the political and economic life of contemporary France.

Letter of appreciation from the French-Russian think tank “Observo” (in Russian)

Keywords: France | socio-economic policy | political forces | foreign policy | military policy |

Russian Science Citation Index


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