Социально-политическое развитие современных обществ: концепты, практики, проблемы (на примере стран Латинской Америки, ЕС и России) // Вестник Пермского университета. Политология. 2024. Т. 18, № 2. С. 5-14. DOI 10.17072/2218-1067-2024-2-5-14.
ISSN 2218-1067
This article analyzes and compares concepts, practices, and socio-political development trajectories of modern societies. The authors argue that increased economic and socio-political instability, intensifying crises, and worsening domestic and international conflicts have spurred renewed discussions on development policy goals and path selection in the 21st century's first decades. They critically examine the concepts of "dependent development", "catching-up development", and "sovereign development", exploring their roles in modern societies' dynamics. The main features of dependent development and catching-up development are considered. Using examples from Brazil, Argentina, several EU countries and Russia, the article identifies key problems and contradictions associated with different types of socio-political development. The authors conclude that Russian scientific and political discourse incorporates various development concepts, reflecting the presence of diverse socio-political dynamics in contemporary Russia. They outline the conditions necessary for transitioning to independent, sovereign development of modern Russian society and state.
Keywords: socio-political development | development policy | dependent development | catching-up devel-opment | sovereign development | identity politics | Brazil | Argentina | EU countries | Russia |
Russian Science Citation Index
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