The Social Challenges to the New Government of Taliban*. Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. 2023; 2(8): 171-182, 3-2(8)171-182
ISSN 2782-3067
DOI 10.53658/ RW2023- 3-2(8)-171-181
The article is devoted to the measures taken by the new Taliban* Afghan government in social policy to get relative internal legitimacy and at the same time pursue a radical course aimed at the harsh Islamization of Afghan society. It is shown how the Taliban are implementing measures in serious social situation, and the contribution of the new Afghan authorities to the stabilization of the humanitarian situation is analyzed.
The article was prepared as part of an initiative project of the Center for the Study of Modern Afghanistan (Russia, Moscow)
Keywords: Afghanistan | social politics | humanitarian situation | natural disasters | women rights | Taliban* |
Russian Science Citation Index
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