События на Украине и в Сирии - яркий пример политики `двойных стандартов` США [Текст] / С.М. Иванов // Мировая политика. – 2015. – № 1. – С. 153 – 158.
ISSN 2409-8671
DOI 10.7256/226.2015.1.12673
The Ukrainian crisis once again has vividly shown the double standards policy of the Western world. The hitmen of the "Right Sector" and pro-Fascist Bandera organizations took over and ruined government buildings, burnt people alive, fired shots at mlitia officials and common people from ambushes, but they are regarded as "fighters for freedom and democracy" in support of the new regime by the West. The events in Ukraine and in Syria pose a vivid example of "double standards" policy of the USA. The methodological basis for the studies is formed with the systemic, structural-functional and comparative legal approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, modeling and forecasting. At the same time the people of the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine, who have expressed their will to live and work independently without Kyiv via the regional referenda were regarded by the new Government and the West to be separatists and terrorists. Under a guile of anti-terrorist operation there was a large-scale punitive expedition against them with the use of military aviation, armoured vehicles and artillery.
Keywords: international relations | foreign policy | Ukraine | geopolitics | the USA | Syria | conflict | interests | double standards | security |
Russian Science Citation Index
Ivanov Stanislav
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Voda Kristina
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Trenin Dmitry
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