Scandinavian Specificity in Facilitating International Development
ISSN 0201-7083
DOI 10.15211/soveurope520195362
The Scandinavian countries are traditionally considered as world leaders in the field of international development assistance (IDA). The article deals with the origin and formation of the concept of a special “Scandinavian exceptionalism” in the field of IDA. The special path of these countries in this area was formed in the Cold War era under certain factors, among which are the desire for neutrality and an independent role in world politics aimed at finding balance, solidarity and public support. After the end of the Cold War, the Scandinavian countries were able to maintain the positive experience of IDA and adapt it to new realities, in which the role of IDA in the foreign policy of these countries has increased and has enabled to strengthen their positive image in the international arena. As a result, a unique modern model of development assistance was formed, with special features such as idealistic motivation, allocation of large amounts of assistance, broad public and political support, social orientation, emphasis on multilateral channels of assistance and NGOs, absence of a clear binding to the national interests of the donor country, and a means of self - positioning in the international arena. It is concluded that despite increasing criticism and pressure in recent years, the “Scandinavian exceptionalism” in the field of IDA remains efficient, setting high standards for other donor countries on a global scale.
Keywords: international development assistance | Scandinavian countries | Scandinavian model | development assistance | external assistance | donor countries | international political economy |
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