Subkhangulova Kseniia
Family policy in Central and Eastern European countries in the 2000 - 2020s. Demographic Review, 11(2), 44-61.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2409-2274

The increasingly unfavorable demographic trends in European countries, especially in the Central-Eastern region, pose serious economic and social challenges requiring a quick response. One effective tool in this response is family policy, the proper use of which helps not only to strengthen a country’s demographic potential, but also to achieve a decent living standard for families with children and provide opportunities for personal development. The purpose of the article is to describe the demographic processes, as well as the model and directions of family policy, in Central-Eastern Europe states. The research methodology was based on an analysis of family policy from the perspective of the concept of the welfare state, using tools of statistical analysis of international databases. The results showed that despite negative natural increase and high emigration, the current century has seen stabilization and even growth in fertility rates. Against the background of the convergence of European models of family policy, the Central-Eastern region stands out as a model of maternal childcare with minimal involvement of fathers. The granting of long parental leave, together with low benefits, encourages women to return to work prematurely. Along with the significant expansion of the kindergarten network in the region, women may face a shortage of preschool education institutions when they return to work from maternity leave. Implementing family policy measures in Russia which take into account the experience of Central and Eastern European states could help improve the demographic situation in the country.

Keywords: CEE countries | family policy | fertility | emigration | welfare state | maternal care model | regional social progress index |

Russian Science Citation Index


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