Zhukova Tatiana
Самозанятые и их влияние на современную архитектуру пенсионных систем // Финансы. Деньги. Инвестиции. 2020. № 2. С. 21-27. DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2020_3_21.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2222-0917

DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2020_3_21

The 21st Century’s phenomenon that is most notable in European countries is a shift in the structure of employment to self-employed without employees within gig-economy and information technology. This type of self-employed increasingly influence the pension system architecture through unregular contributions, gaps in the insurance biography, pension care coverage reduction. Due to the newness of this question the previous investigations in this field are limited in numbers. In that context, a comparative analysis of the size and structure of self-employed in Russia and EU countries is carried out, their revenue potential for pensions is evaluated. Effective architectures of pension system for self-employed in developed EU is investigated. Conclusions and proposals for Russian pension system are made.

Russian Science Citation Index


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Pension system in Germany: revolution of evolution?

Zhukova Tatiana, Mirkin Yakov
Self-Employed Finance in the New Russian Economy

Gontmakher Evgeniy
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Zhukova Tatiana
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The U.S. Healthcare System: In Search of a New Management Model
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