Sadovaya E.S.,Sautkina V.A. Transformation of the Principles of the Modern World Pattern: The Social Aspect. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2015. – 205 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0445-4

This monograph considers the problems of transformation of the social and labour sphere in the context of global changes taking place in today's world. Drawing on a systematic approach, the authors discuss what is happening as an integral historical process, in which based on structural-functional analysis they distinguish its diverse measurement and ties that fasten them. The paper examines the impact of the institutional and legal components of the regulation of the social sphere, assesses the prospects for the formation of a system of global regulation of social processes. Based on the analysis, the authors identified a number of contradictions, the solution of which requires finding new semantic interpretations of the idea of justice of the modern world.

Keywords: integral historical process | structural-functional analysis | social processes |

Russian Science Citation Index


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