Krylov Alexander
Русская семья в контексте российской истории // Архонт : Электронный научный журнал. 2020. № 4 (19). С. 20-69. URL: (дата обращения: 30.11.2020).
Publication Type:

ISSN 2587-9464

The purpose of the manuscript is to explore the histories of Krylov and Gilnin families from a settlement of Turgoyak in the Urals (Chelyabinsk region). Through the example of several generations an influence on the peasants and mining artisans of the turning events of Russian history in the 20th century are shown: the 1917 Revolution, the Civil War, the Prodrazversdka policies, the repressions of 1930s, the Second World War, the rebuilding of the USSR following the war. A contradictory character of the historic influence is shown on the example of one family and their close relatives: some were executed while trying to oppose the Prodrazversdka policies and during the repressions of the 30s, the others obtained university degrees and moved to larger cities where they contributed quite heavily to the science and production. The importance of this theme is determined by that the history of mankind is made of such family histories, so through the personal study one can come to an objective understanding of the Russian history.

Russian Science Citation Index


Krivopalov Alexey
В тени теории глубокой операции. Подготовка Красной армии к войне на Западной границе в 1926–1941 гг. – Москва : Яуза : Издательский дом «Российское военно-историческое общество», 2022. – 400 с. – ISBN 978-5-00155-445-5

Yashlavskii Andrey
Дальневосточное эхо Второй Мировой [Текст] / А.Э. Яшлавский // ФСБ: за и против. – 2015. – № 4. – С. 18 – 21.

Vasiliev Victor
The total victory - a shared responsibility // International Affairs, 2016, № 13, pp 13-28.

Vasiliev Victor
Distortion of the history of the Second World War is the treat to the Security of Europe

Vasiliev Victor
World War II in Public Opinion of Modern Germany / Vasilyev V.I.

Kazennov Sergey, E.M. Korooleva
Модернизация оборонного комплекса РФ: необходимость и возможность / С.Ю. Казеннов, Е.М. Королёва // Россия и современный мир. – 2010. – № 3. – С. 99–109.

Klinova Marina
The centenary of the Russian Expeditionary Force battles in the World War I commemorated (in Russian)

Kuzmina Elena
Взаимосвязь межбанковских систем расчетов и евразийских интеграционных процессов // Евразия. Эксперт : электронный журнал. 2020. № 3-4. DOI 10.18254/S271332140013217-5. URL: Дата публикации: 30.12.2020.

Lukonin Sergey
Торговая война Китай-США: Осакский раунд [Текст] / С. А. Луконин // Russia Policy Review [на корейском языке]. – 2019. – Т. 3. – № 3. – С. 24-27.

Gronsky Alexander
External and own «strangers»: Belorussian history textbooks about the German occupation regime and Belorussian collaborators during the great patriotic war

Rogozhin Alexander
Торговая война или сложные переговоры?: интервью [Текст] / А. А. Рогожин ; беседу вел И. Скогорев // Национальный банковский журнал. – 2018. – № 5 (171). – С. 78-80.

Kadyrmambetov Timur
Military rule in Sudan: historical preconditions and the current situation, Vestnik of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Series: Humanities and social science, № 1. P. 117—131. doi: 10.5922/sikbfu-2024-1-8.

Klinova Marina
The centenary of the Russian Expeditionary Corps battles for the defense of France commemorated (1916-1918) // Pokrov. – 2017. – N 1 (547). P. 64-65. Orthodox portal of spiritual and moral culture Pokrov. – 14.03.2017.

Frolov Alexander
Struggle for Libya: External Actors and Their Bets

Krivopalov Alexey
The Twilight of the Big Battalions. Historical Study of the Military Conflicts of the Future

Gudev Pavel
Танкерная война. Версия 2.0? [Текст] / П. А. Гудев // Россия в глобальной политике. – 2019. – Т. 17. – № 4. – С. 166-182.

Frolov Alexander
Югославский кризис: уроки и последствия [Текст] / А. В. Фролов // Международная жизнь. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 94-109.

Voronov Konstantin
Швеция в двух мировых (Второй и холодной) войнах: другая история // Международная жизнь. 2020. № 9. С. 72-83.

Frolov Alexander
После Афганистана. В США подводят итоги 20-летней войны // Международная жизнь. 2022. № 6. С. 46-57.

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