Russia’s Changing Role in Export of Foreign Investment / Kuznetsov Aleksey
Over the last decade Russia has significantly strengthened its position as an exporter of foreign investment: the country consistently ranks among the top ten exporters of capital. There have been qualitative and quantitative changes in the nature of Russian investment expansion overseas. Most Russian leading companies have set up foreign subsidiaries. Moreover, more than ten Russian companies have become multinationals. Internationalization of these companies results in a certain transformation of their nature both abroad and in the motherland. The article demonstrates Russia’s changing role in export of investment. The study is concerned with the main modern characteristics of Russian leading multinationals including their social responsibility.
Keywords: russian multinationals | foreign direct investment | exported fdi |
Russian Science Citation Index
Kuznetsov Alexey
Жили по соседству / А.В. Кузнецов // Прямые инвестиции. – 2012. – № 10. – С. 34–36.
Kuznetsov Alexey
За рубеж - вторым эшелоном / А.В. Кузнецов // Прямые инвестиции. - 2012. - № 7. - С. 34-36.
Kuznetsov Alexey
Russian Foreign Direct Investments as a Factor of Eurasian Integration
Gracheva Mariya
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Olenchenko Vladimir
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Kuznetsov Alexey
Капитальный вывоз / А.В. Кузнецов // Прямые инвестиции. – 2011. – № 8. – С. 8–11.
Kuznetsov Alexey
Cross-border corporate integration in the Baltic Sea Region / / Baltic region. – 2012. – № 1. – P. 17–26.
Mirkin Yakov
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Kuznetsov Alexey
European Multinationals Contributes to Russian Economy Modernization: Regional Aspect / Kuznetsov Aleksey
Sinitsyn Mikhail
Иностранные инвестиции в российскую электроэнергетику / М.В. Синицын // Проблемы прогнозирования. – 2012. – № 5. – С. 141–150.
Tatuzov Viktor
Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Policy (Based on Examples of Certain Countries)
Komova Anna
The Role of Credit, Subsidies and Foreign Finance in German Investment Policy of the “Economic Miracle”
Olenchenko Vladimir
Foreign Direct Investment in the Banking Sector oj the Baltic Countries / Olenchenko Vladimir
Bragina Elena
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Kuznetsov Alexey
Russian direct investments in the CIS // International Trends, 2012, № 2. P. 18–28.
Volkov Aleksei
Экономические отношения России и Норвегии на современном этапе [Электронный ресурс] / А. М. Волков // Мировое и национальное хозяйство. – 2018. – № 2-3(45). – URL:
Gracheva Mariya
Прямые инвестиции Германии в России: анализ статистики германского федерального банка / М.В. Грачева // Экономический анализ: теория и практика. – 2012. – № 44. – С. 23–32.
Kuznetsov Alexey
География российских прямых инвестиций в Латинской Америке [Текст] / А.В. Кузнецов // Региональные исследования. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 65 – 71.
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Трансграничные инвестиции с 1980-х гг. до 2030 г.: мировые тренды и долгосрочный прогноз развития [Текст] / М. М. Кудинова // Финансы, деньги, инвестиции. – 2019. – № 3. – С. 22-30. DOI: 10.36992/2222-0917_2019_3_22.
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