Kireeva A., Kupriyanov Alexey
Russia and Quad Plus Is There a Way Forward? // Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs. 2020. Vol. 3, Issue 5. P. 210-228.
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Russia’s official stance toward both the Quad and the concept of the Indo-Pacific has been largely negative. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly argued against the Quad, accusing the United States of attempts to contain China and draw not only allies Japan and Australia but also India to this goal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ approach is explained by the fact that the Quad is essentially perceived as an echo of the Cold War alliances as well as NATO-style arrangement that Russia is well-familiar with in Europe. Russia’s position is explained by the fact that the Quad is seen as running counter to Russia’s interests of building a collective security architecture and undermining Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Centrality as well as by the character of Russia’s bilateral relations with ASEAN members. A rift in US–Russia relations seems to preclude any opportunity for cooperation with the Quad or Quad Plus.Moscow deems it impossible to support the Quad due to its anti-Chinese nature, as adopting policies against China is not considered to be in Russia’s national interests. Russian officials generally overlook cooperation on nontraditional security by either the Quad or Quad Plus. At the same time, Russia enjoys a privileged strategic partnership with India and other powers that are at odds with China, such as Vietnam, and would rather prefer to remain neutral in the growing US–China strategic competition and retain as much strategic autonomy as possible.Russia has been one of the key players in addressing nontraditional security threats in the Indo-Pacific and, although direct cooperation with the Quad or Quad Plus is out of the question, bilateral cooperation with the group’s individual members or under the auspices of regional multilateral institutions like ASEAN Regional Forum or ASEAN Defence Minister’s Meeting–Plus (ADMM+) is a tangible prospect, including addressing COVID-19 and the pandemic’s effects.

Keywords: Indo-Pacific | China | collective security architecture | US–China strategic competition |


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