Российско-германское сотрудничество: состояние и перспективы [Текст] / В.И. Васильев // Политические науки. – 2013. – №3. – С. 64-71.
ISSN 5-89930-097-3
In the article considered the modern situation and prospects of Russian-German relations. The author marked priorities of Russia and Germany in the context of the strengthening of the strategic partnership. The author emphasizes that the potential of interaction between Russia and Germany in the areas of energy, economy, science, education, culture, and developing dialogue between the civil societies of the two countries can find joint answers to the current and future challenges, making a significant contribution to European security and stability.
Keywords: Russian-German intergovernmental consultations | «Petersburg Dialogue» | party system of Germany | EU | CDU | SPD | Federal Assembly of Russia | «Strategic Partnership for Modernization» of Russia with Germany and with the European Union |
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