Chugrov Sergey
Russian Politics through Prism of Sociological Measurements
ISSN 1026-9487
DOI 10.17976/jpps/2016.05.16
Russian Politics through Prism of Sociological Measurements
Publication Type:
ISSN 1026-9487
DOI 10.17976/jpps/2016.05.16
The starting point for the author of this essay was the book “Russia surprises. 2015”, prepared by a partnership of leading think tanks – Social Design Center “Platforma”, All-Russian Center of Public Opinion Research (VTsIOM), and the Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Reseasrch (ISEPR Foundation). Studying the political consciousness of society is difficult, in particular because its being not monolithic, but extremely controversial and composite. In addition, political scientists and sociologists often appeal to not the same interpretive criteria. Now the problem of self-identification, positioning oneself in the turbulent new world occupies the crucial place in the national consciousness of Russians. The growing frustration of the mass consciousness, associated with the consequences of the reunification of the Crimea – e.g. a bloody conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, Western sanctions and a hostile atmosphere in relations with some Russia’s neighbors – could not but trigger the growth of psychological tension in Russian society and its polarization. The analysis of data, given in the book “Russia surprises”, shows that Russia surprises first and foremost by a certain inconsistency, ambiguity, and the passivity of public opinion. We are witnessing the formation of a sluggish but obvious anti-Western discourse on the background of an amorphous, non- linear nonverbalized ideology. Now, as the book “Russia surprises” demonstrates, we are also witnessing the formation of a relatively idiosyncratic consensus, based on a sense of patriotism and anti-Western rhetoric. The author also analyzes the new controversial role of the Internet and social media in shaping public opinion.
Keywords: Russia | polls | public opinion | ISEPR Foundation | social networks | deviant behavior |
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