Российская политика на Ближнем Востоке: перспективы и вызовы // Свободная мысль. 2021. № 6 (1690). С. 71-85. DOI 10.24412/0869-4435-2021-61690-71-86.
DOI 10.24412/0869-4435-2021-61690-71-86
Russia’s policy in the Middle East is primarily motivated by its geopolitical concerns. The region, while not a priority for the Russian Federation, has become an arena where it can demonstrate its newfound military strength and capability to influence crises while finding paths to stabilization. Apart from that, despite the persisting tensions with the West, and most and foremost with the US, the Middle East agenda is the one area for potential Russian-American interactions on a number of issues. Due to pragmatism and non-ideological nature of Russia’s policies, it has been able to strengthen and expand its relations with regional states and non-state actors. Yet there still remain certain contradictions stemming from divergence of basic interests .
Keywords: Russia’s policy | interests | perceptions | traditional partners | non-Arab states | economic relations |
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