The Russian economy: growth under sanctions (future scenarios)
ISSN 1990-9780
The article shows the starting point in which the Russian economy is located. Four scenarios of the future are proposed in 2018-2025, the probabilities of their realization are estimated, and their brief characteristic is given. Particular attention is paid to the scenario of economic liberalization, the «sudden turn» associated with the transition of the Russian economy to ultra-fast growth. A description of the main ideas is given and target indicators are given in the framework of this scenario.
Keywords: developmental policy | tax incentive | regulatory burden | financial development | economic liberalization | economic miracle |
Russian Science Citation Index
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Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Serzhantova Tatyana
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Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Serzhantova Tatyana, Glushko Yury
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