ISBN 978-5-9535-0633-5
DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0633-5
The report "Russia and the World: 2025" is the twenty third in a series of annual publications of IMEMO. The report consists of three parts: global trends, economy and foreign policy. The main focus is on issues of key importance for ensuring stable economic and political development of Russia in the immediate (2025) and longer term. The report is based on decades long IMEMO experience in forecast research. The main external challenges for Russia and options to respond them are analyzed.
Keywords: global trends | economy and foreign policy |
Russia and the World: 2022. Annual Forecast: Economy and Foreign Policy / Project leads – A.A. Dynkin, V.G. Baranovsky. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2021. – 130 p.
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Russia and the World: 2024. Annual Forecast: Economy and Foreign Policy. A.A. Dynkin, V.G. Baranovsky (project leads) ; I. Kobrinskaya, G. Machavariani (eds.).
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