Khesin Efim
Russia - Britain: Economic Relations under Sanctions and Brexit
Publication Type:

ISSN 2542-0240

DOI 10.23932/2542-0240-2019-12-2-164-180

Britain has been able to remain one of Russia’ foreign trade leading partner so far and still one of the ten largest investors in our country. The article attempts to identify the factors driving shifts in the Russia-UK economic relations Over the recent two decades they have been abundant with ups and downs. Nowadays, the Russo-British relations are going through hard times. The causes behind worsening trends are both economic and political. The major reason after 2014 is the changing political context in which relations between Russia and the UK are developing. These relations are negatively affected by anti-Russian sanctions imposed by western countries and uncertainty caused by the forthcoming Britain’ withdrawal from the EC (Brexit). Particular attention in the article is being focused on the investment co-operation. The point these two countries have in common is the low level of capital accumulation. The problemof scarcity of domestic investment resources and its impact on economic output has been increasingly discussed by researchers and policy-makers in Russia and Britain. Hence, great importance that is attached to the external sources of capital, inflow of foreign, first of all, direct investment.

Keywords: Russia | Britain | economic relations | gross domestic product | capital investments | imbalances | economic policies | sanctions | Brexit |

Russian Science Citation Index


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