Mirkin Yakov , Zhukova T.V.
The Role of Commercial Banks in Russian Financial Market (analytical study).
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Russias financial market is a large emerging market, with equal participation of commercial and investment banks whose share of the market is about 50 per cent each. Commercial banks are larger institutions tending to pursue conservative strategies. Investment banks take on bigger risks. Commercial banks form the greatest part of the bond trading turnover. Their share of the stock and longer-term markets is lower compared to that of investment banks. Investment banks are more dynamic, rapidly increasing trade volumes when the market rises and quickly reducing them at the time of a market slump. Commercial banks hold the liquidity during market shocks. In the mixed market model commercial and investment banks complement each other, combining liquidity and conservatism with dynamism and risk taking.

Keywords: financial market | investment banks | market rises |

Russian Science Citation Index


Kopytin Ivan
Risk - Share Returns in Oil-Exporting Countries / Kopytin Ivan

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Equity Markets in the Oil-Exporting Countries and the Investment Process / Kopytin Ivan

Zhukova Tatiana
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Polaeva G., Kopytin Ivan
Региональные рынки газа. Сравнительный анализ // Инновации и инвестиции. 2020. № 2. С. 57-60.

Прогнозирование доходности на рынке акций. М., Маросейка, 2009, 192 с.

Мировой фондовый рынок и интересы России. Отв. ред. д.э.н. Д.В. Смыслов. М., Наука, 2006, 30 п.л.

Zhukov Stanislav
World Oil Derivatives Market: Development Amid Stricter Regulation

Kopytin Ivan
Влияние мировой цены нефти на рынки акций стран-нефтеэкспортеров. Под ред. С.В. Жукова. М.: Магистр, 2015, 176 с.

Lazovskii Stanislav
Феномен «видимой руки рынка»: Суверенные инвестиционные фонды стран ССАГПЗ и их новая роль // Свободная мысль. 2022. № 5. URL: http://svom.info/entry/1252-fenomen-vidimoj-ruki-rynka-suverennye-investicionn/ (дата обращения 02.12.2022).

Entov Revold, Abramov A., Radygin A., Chernova M.
"Загадка дивидендов" и российский рынок акций. Часть 1 // Вопросы экономики. 2020. № 1. С. 66-92. DOI 10.32609/0042-8736-2020-1-66-92.

Zhukova Tatiana
Role of banking system in creating the conditions for fast economic growth: Israeli model in 1950-1972

Nozdrev Stanislav
The international financial markets in the financial flows of cross-border banks and companies

Usoskin Valentin
Anti-Crisis Policies of Central Banks in 2007 - 2014: Objectives, Peculiarities and Results

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The World Stock Market and the Interests of Russia. Ed. by Smyslov D.V. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2003.

Evstigneev V.
Портфельные инвестиции в мире и в России: выбор стратегии. М., Эдиториал УРСС, 2002, 304 с.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
The Russian Labor Market: Paradoxes of Post-crisis Performance

International financial market - the current state of development / Nozdrev S.V.

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