Korsakov Georgiy
Role of Information Weapon in U.S. Military-Political Strategy / Korsakov G.
Publication Type:

 The article is devoted to a study of Information weapon in various U.S. military strategic concepts and different aspects of its application in association with the beginning of use of digital technologies for military purposes.

Keywords: information weapon | strategy of information deterrent | itt |

Russian Science Citation Index


Romashkina Natalia
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Swedish way: into digital paradise on wings of intelligence

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Romashkina Natalia, Stefanovich Dmitry
Стратегические риски и проблемы кибербезопасности // Вопросы кибербезопасности. 2020. № 5. С. 77-86. DOI 10.21681/2311-3456-2020-05-77-86.

Arbatov Alexey
Nuclear metamorphoses

Stefanovich Dmitry
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The Anti-China Narrative in Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy

Rustamova Leili
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Stefanovich Dmitry
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