Badalov L., Miagkova Yu., Rubtsov Boris
Роль депозитарных расписок на мировом финансовом рынке // Финансы, деньги, инвестиции. 2024. № 2 (90). С. 26-32.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2222-0917

In the modern world, depositary receipts have long become the main tool for trading local securities (mainly stocks) on the international financial market. The relevance of the topic is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the features of depository receipts, their important role in the global economy, investment flows and international securities trade. The article examines the structure and development trends of the depositary receipt market, in particular, the increasing role of companies in developing countries is noted; the problems associated with sanctions against Russian companies are highlighted. The role of depositary receipts in international investment activities is defined, examples of use are given and current trends in the development of the global depositary receipt market are identified.

Keywords: depository receipt | securities | foreign investments | stock exchange | international financial market |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Rubtsov Boris, Arronet P.
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