Zhukova Tatiana
Role of Spanish Banking System in Creating the Conditions for Fast Economic Growth in 1939-1970 and 1975-1985
Publication Type:

ISSN 2222-0917

This article presents the analyses of Spanish banking system’s leading role in fast economic growth in 1963-1973 and 1975-1985. The content of design decisions on financial market development is revealed for this period.

Russian Science Citation Index


Zhukova Tatiana
Role of banking system in creating the conditions for fast economic growth: Israeli model in 1950-1972

Bahtaraeva Karina
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Mirkin Yakov , Zhukova T.V.
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Usoskin Valentin
Anti-Crisis Policies of Central Banks in 2007 - 2014: Objectives, Peculiarities and Results

Rubtsov Boris
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Mirkin Yakov
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Government Measures Aimed at Formation and Development of Green Bond Market

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Kopytin Ivan
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The Green Bond Markets in Russia: Prospects of Development

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Zhukova Tatiana
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Zhukov Stanislav , Kopytin Ivan, Popadko Artem
Водородные проекты в корпоративных стратегиях крупнейших европейских нефтяных компаний: экономическая рациональность // Проблемы экономики и управления нефтегазовым комплексом. 2022. № 2 (206). С. 53-57. DOI 10.33285/1999-6942-2022-2(206)-53-57.
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