Kislitsyn Sergey
U.S. Republican Party and Issues of Identity
Publication Type:

ISSN 2686-6730

DOI 10.31857/S268667300016431-4

The article analyzes the current state of the US Republican Party. The study is divided into three main parts. The first focuses on the party electorate, its preferences, and changes in its structure. The second part describes the composition of main party sponsors with structural analysis by the industry. The author also describes sponsors’ influence on the approaches and party policy. The third part examines the state of the Republican establishment and the changes that have occurred after Donald Trump joined the Party. The conclusion includes a forecast. Three main scenarios were suggested: transformation, stagnation, and division.

Keywords: Republican Party | Donald Trump | American conservatism | U.S. domestic politics | identity | interest groups |

Russian Science Citation Index


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