Zimakov Andrei
Resolution on Accelerated Withdrawal of Germany from Nuclear Energetics: Federal Administrative Court, Constitutional Court, International Arbitration. What Next?
Publication Type:

ISSN 2542-0305

The article analyzes the results of the legislation on accelerated nuclear phase-out in Germany developed by German government. The decision was taken in short time and without discussing with business reps what led to significant infringement of rights of the nuclear industry which decided to seek judicial protection. As a consequence the German government ended up as a defendant in Federal administrative court, Federal constitution court and as a respondent in ICSID. The results of those litigations were mostly unfavorable for German government what once again proves the necessity of making more thorough legal and business impact analysis while passing a legislation. 

Keywords: Germany | Nuclear power plant | nuclear energy | constitutional complaint | constitutional court | ICSID | international investment arbitration |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Zimakov Andrei
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Zimakov Andrei
German energy market transformation: From nuclear phase-out to coal fired plants shutdown

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