Kütt M., Kühn U., Stefanovich Dmitry
Remote monitoring: Verifying geographical arms limits // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 2023. Vol. 79, Issue 1. P. 17-21. DOI 10.1080/00963402.2022.2155006.
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DOI 10.1080/00963402.2022.2155006

Would it be possible to monitor new missile arms limits in Europe in an environment of deep mistrust? We argue that so-called “active tags,” attached to dual-capable missiles, could help states to monitor remotely defined geographical arms limits without having to rely on resource-intensive human inspections. Such a novel approach could build on already existing technologies. We clarify what technologies are available, which options states could choose from for setting up a remote monitoring scheme, and what the technical and political implications are. Verifying geographical arms limits through remote monitoring could not only help to avert a new arms race with Russia; the approach could also be applicable to other conflict regions and different weapon types.

Keywords: active tagging | arms control | verification | monitoring | nuclear weapons | intermediate range missiles | INF Treaty |


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