Zimakov Andrei
EU cohesion policy and European clean energy transition
Publication Type:

ISSN 2073-1477

DOI 10.24891/re.16.9.1612

Subject. This article deals with the clean energy transition process in Europe and the interaction of EU energy and cohesion policies within its context.

Objectives. The article aims to study and assess the impact of targeting of EU energy policy on the implementation of regional policy measures.

Methods. The research involves the systems approach, comparative analysis, and the process tracking technique.

Results. The article identifies certain measures of EU cohesion policy the implementation of which provides support for clean energy transition objectives. In particular, this pertains to regional development project financing by European Structural and Investment Funds, namely, the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund. As well, the article shows that the goals and results of a number of measures of regional and energy policies of the Community have much in common.

Conclusions. Achieving the goals of greening the economy and energy in particular is a challenge. Its solution requires the cooperation of related areas, first of all, regional policy. The priority of the objectives of greening in project financing at the regional level and the alignment of structural imbalances in the regions resulting from transformational processes in the energy sector are utterly significant.

Russian Science Citation Index


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