Публичная дипломатия России в урегулировании конфликта в Сирии [Текст] / Л. Р. Рустамова // Мировая политика. – 2018. – № 1. – С. 33-37. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.1.25576.
ISSN 2409-8671
DOI 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.1.25576
The article focuses on participation of Russia in conflict resolutionin Syria through public diplomacy. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of public diplomacy methods in improving the image of Russia as the main peace-keeping force in the Syrian conflict in the context of the negative information background formed due to the recent events in Ukraine. The author explores the areas for interaction between agencies of Russia and other countries involved in the settlement of the conflict, in particular, the provision of humanitarian assistance and the establishment of interfaith dialogue. The author also analyzes the coverage of humanitarian operations and Russia's participation in the conflict settlement both by Russian military structures and media outlets and by Western media. The methodological basis of the study includes a system approach, as well as general scientific and particular scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical method. Analyzing the humanitarian activity of the main Russian institutions of public diplomacy as well as their efforts to cooperate with Western military forces, the author comes to the conclusion that, generally, Western media outlets (which serve as the main source of information for a foreign audience) put a negative spin on it, and Russia has not progressed much in improvement of its image through a military campaign in Syria; but Russia's military operations together with civilian projects for rehabilitation of Syrian infrastructure, cultural events were significant in terms of ensuring success recognition of Russia's foreign policy in Syria.
Keywords: public diplomacy | Syria | The Middle East | international terrorism | armed conflict | world politics | multilateral diplomacy | humanitarian aid | IGIL | regional security |
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