Forecasting long-term trends in the development of the world economy (textbook in Russian) / E.A. Sidorova (ed.). Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Magistr, 2022. – 216 p. – ISBN 978-5-9776-0537-3.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9776-0537-3

The main laws governing long-term trends in the dynamics of the world economy are considered. Among them: the impact of scientific and technological progress on demographic processes and the formation of long waves of the economic environment, as well as the conditions that determine the pace of catching up development, and the prerequisites for the formation and overcoming of structural crises. The main methodological aspects and approaches to forecasting long-term trends in the development of the world economy are highlighted.

Keywords: trends in the dynamics of the world economy | the impact of scientific and technological progress on demographic processes | the formation of long waves of economic conditions | catch-up development | structural crises |


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