Forecasting US Tight Oil Production / Ed. by S.V. Zhukov. – Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2014. – 130 p.
ISBN 978-5-9535-0411-9
The research presents economic and econometric approaches to forecasting oil production at the seven largest shale formations in the US. Special tests prove that the integrated model, combining geological and economic information, gives the most precise results in the medium term. Additionally, the relevance of the integrated model is confirmed by the analysis of the oil and gas companies’ capacity to mobilize investment resources, required for the forecast realization.
Keywords: forecasting oil production | integrated model |
Russian Science Citation Index
Kopytin Ivan
Will the major oil and gas corporations make blockchain their competitive advantage?
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Energy security of Asian countries - new role of foreign investments
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Dilemmas of U.S. Decarbonization
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Pusenkova Nina
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Мировая экономика и энергетика: драйверы перемен / под ред. С.В. Жукова. – М.: ИМЭМО РАН, 2020. – 164 с.
National energy strategies in the context of globalization. Energy as a platform for innovative development / Ed. S.V. Zukov. – Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2014. – 100 p.
Sinitsyn Mikhail, Gakhokidze Irine
Administrative and regulatory mechanisms for promoting renewables in the power industry
Kopytin Ivan,
The role of international oil companies in the creation of new centers of world oil production (on the example of Brazil). RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “Economics. Management. Law” Series. no 3, pp. 72-86, DOI: 10.28995/2073-6304-2020-3-72-86
Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Частное дело государства / В.Б. Кондратьев // Прямые инвестиции. – 2009. – № 6. – С. 26-29.
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Рейтинг готовности к переменам. Способны ли российские нефтяные компании адаптироваться к новым реалиям мировых энергетических рынков [Текст] / Н. Пусенкова, И. Оверланд // Нефть и капитал. – 2019. – № 6 (258). – С. 12-18.
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Pantin Vladimir , Lapkin Vladimir
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China in the global competition for oil in Africa. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 99 p.
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Россия и мир: 2007. Экономика и внешняя политика. Ежегодный прогноз. Науч. рук. А.А. Дынкин. М., ИМЭМО РАН, Торгово-промышленная палата РФ, Фонд перспективных исследований и инициатив. М., 2006, 113 с.
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