Проект «Россия 3.0» [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Прямые инвестиции. – 2013. – № 2. – С. 24 – 27.
The article gives the analysis of the macroeconomic policy which led to the "economic miracle" in number of countries in Asia and Europe. The financial policies of the "miracle" are fully covered (investment rate, financial depth, interest rate levels, tax burden, model of financial system and others). The economic role of the major countries in 2030 is forecasted, including the role of Russia, in case of absence of the "miracle". The risks of the Russian position deterioration are discussed (the global economy rebalancing) as well as the opposite scenario and corresponding macroeconomic policies which can lead to the "economic miracle" in Russia.
Keywords: economic miracle | strategic forecasting | asian model |
Russian Science Citation Index
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