Problems of responsible sustainable development in the context of the new global order
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ISSN 1818-3395

Starting with the second decade of the XXI c., when the worsening of socio-ecological parameters started producing political consequences threatening democratic freedoms, and the model of state mobilization-base rule (China) started surpassing the market model in the global competition, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2015-2030 became an international language used by both business and the state. However, SDGs politics does not meet the present-day challenges of changing the “epoch without order” trend for the trend of sustainable development. Disappearance, in 1992, of the “UN Earth Summit” theme from the present-day agenda is not accidental. The author suggests returning to the principles of two historic conferences, that of Crimean (Yalta) of 1945 and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) of 1992 as the foundation of the new world order, as well as the organization of the system of international responsibility that corresponds the existing global models of environmental protection. This will be a two-level Crimean-Brazilian system of broader global security that takes into consideration the socio-natural balance.

Keywords: sustainable development | goals of sustainable development | globalization | international security | new global order | XXI c. agenda |

Russian Science Citation Index


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