Kirichenko Elina
Проблемы долгового потолка: грозит ли США технический дефолт // США и Канада: экономика, политика, культура. 2023. № 8. С. 7-16. DOI 10.31857/S2686673023080011.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2686-6730

DOI 10.31857/S2686673023080011

On January 19, 2023 political contradictions between Republicans and Democrats on the issues of the national debt ceiling and the growing budget deficit have once again brought the United States to the brink of a technical default. The article examines how the Treasury tried to push back the date of such a default. Two types of national debt (public debt and intragovernmental debt) and their role in maintaining the debt ceiling are analyzed. The paradoxes of decision-making in the budget process regarding the debt ceiling are considered. When adopting the budget, legislators already estimate the amount of the budget deficit that will be added to the debt, threats of technical default have become a bargaining chip in disputes about budget policy. This is especially evident in the conditions of divided government. Republicans with the majority in the House of Representatives actively played a card of budget deficit. After months of bitter struggle between the administration and republicans in Congress, the latter approved a bill that shifted the limit on the national debt to January 1, 2025. On June 3, the president signed it. The debt ceiling problem has been postponed, but not solved. Lawmakers did not go for the abolition of the "debt ceiling", which some budget experts consider necessary. Particular attention in the article is paid to how Congress has been trying for decades to legislate the problem of the budget deficit and the debt ceiling and how effective these attempts have been. The American decision-making mechanism in the budgetary sphere is increasingly coming to a standstill. Trust in treasuries allows the US government to attract the savings of its citizens and the world's savings. Each time, the protracted confrontations over the debt ceiling can make investors begin to doubt whether American treasuries are such a reliable asset.

Russian Science Citation Index


Kirichenko Elina
Consolidated Debts of the U.S. non-financial sector: Post-pandemic Estimates

Simoniya Nodari
The Socioeconomic Aspects of Global Leadership.

Bogacheva Olga
Tools of competition for budget recourses in practice of foreign countries.

Nozdrev Stanislav
Долг нефинансового сектора как фактор усиления экономической неустойчивости в Азии // Международные процессы. 2023. Т. 21, № 4 (75). С. 83-103. DOI 10.17994/IT.2023.

Borisov Stanislav
Rouble – the Currency of Russia. Moscow, Konsaltbankir Publishers, 2004.

Sidorova Elena
Fiscal levers to increase the efficiency of the economy: the experience of the EU and the challenges for Russia / States in the Epoch of Globalization: Economy, Politics, Security (Global Development. Issue 3). Ed. by A. Kuznetsov, F. Voitolovsky. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2008. P. 33-38.

Mirkin Yakov
Бюджетные ловушки [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Прямые инвестиции. – 2013. – № 11. – С. 20 – 22.

Gracheva Mariya
Новые технологии формулирования федерального бюджета Германии: создание независимого бюджетного института. — Глава 5 в: Германия. 2017 / Белов В. (отв. ред.) — Доклады Института Европы РАН № 354. — ИЕ РАН Москва, 2018. — С. 140.

Sidorova Elena
The crisis and its consequences for the economies of Germany, Great Britain and Russia // Economy of the XXI century. - 2010. - № 5. - S. 107-122.

Krivogouz Mikhail
Внешний долг Украины и западные спонсоры [Текст] / М.И. Кривогуз // Украина: информационно-аналитический мониторинг. – 2015. – № 9-10 (109-110). – С. 77 – 78.

Kirichenko Elina
Growing budget deficit and national debt: estimates, problems, risks

Adno Yuri
Металлургия в 2017 году: умеренный оптимизм [Текст] / Ю.Л. Адно // Черные металлы. – 2017. – № 11. – С. 72-80.Металлургия в 2017 году: умеренный оптимизм [Текст] / Ю.Л. Адно // Черные металлы. – 2017. – № 11. – С. 72-80.

Salitskii Alexander, Salitskaya E.
Китай на пути к мировому технологическому лидерству // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2022. Т. 92, № 5. С. 451-457. DOI 10.31857/S0869587322050085.

Nozdrev Stanislav
Неработающие кредиты - угроза финансовой стабильности стран Азии // Международная экономика. 2023. № 5. С. 285-298. DOI 10.33920/vne-04-2305-01.

Borisov Stanislav
New Facts about Russia’s External Debt.

Bogacheva Olga, Smorodinov O.V., Vlasikhin S.A.
Improving the statutory regulation of intellectual property rights of government agencies

Dmitriev Sergey
Electric Cars – "Pipe Dream" of B. Obama or Investment in the Future?

Ivanova Natalya
Innovation under Conditions of Crisis: Trends and Perspectives.

Mirkin Yakov
Новые реальности глобальной экономики и их влияние на Россию // Научные труды Вольного экономического общества России. 2020. Т. 223, № 3. С. 106-110. DOI 10.38197/2072-2060-2020-223-3-106-110.

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