Issues of the Doha WTO Round
ISSN 2072-8042
The article deals with the issues of the current round of the WTO multilateral trade negotiations. The scope of the analysis includes the results of the 11th WTO conference held in 2017 in Buenos Aires and the discrepancies in the participants’ positions that impede the successful conclusion of the Doha Round. The author considers the reasons for stagnation of the negotiations, including the strengthening of the role of developing countries in the world market, the development of trade on the basis of global value chains and the escalation of trade conflicts that arise with the slowdown in international trade growth. The study concludes with an indication of possible ways out of the crisis situation that emerged during the Doha Round negotiations.
Keywords: World Trade Organization | multilateral trade negotiations | Doha round | trade contradictions | developing countries | global value chains | plurilateral agreements |
Russian Science Citation Index
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WTO and mega-regional trade agreements
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The World Trade Organization in the face of new challenges
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