Consumption of cultural goods in Russia: What household surveys tell us?
ISSN 2221-2264
DOI 10.31737/2221-2264-2020-47-3-11
The paper examines dynamics in consumption of cultural goods in Russia. The sources of empirical data are the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE) for 2000-2018 and Rosstat’s Complex Living Conditions Survey (CLCS) for 2011-2018. The analysis indicates that now approximately every second household and approximately every second adult individual consumes some cultural goods during the year. A regular audience is approximately one fifth of the total. The share of expenses on cultural goods reaches 2.5% of average monthly household budget. With the rapid income growth in 2000-2018 demand for cultural goods has been steadily increasing. There is a visible empirical regularity: the higher the income of households or individuals, the more active they are culturally. There appears to be a fairly banal, but effective practical way to stimulate demand for cultural goods in Russia: an acceleration of economic growth.
Keywords: onsumption | cultural goods | income | Russia | survey data |
Russian Science Citation Index
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