Post-Soviet states at the present stage: internal political dynamics and the search for de-velopment paths. Ed. by E.G. Solovyev
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0623-6

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0623-6

The authors of the monograph analyze main political processes on the post-soviet space since 2020 to the present. They examine the alignment of political forces, the specifics of the evo-lution of political systems. The main features of the formation of political institutions in the countries of the region are considered, and the latest trends in their development are analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to conflicts in the space of Post-Soviet Eurasia, their place and role in the trans-formation of the modern world order. The key economic trends are also in the focus of the book.

Russian Science Citation Index


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