Посткризисная реиндустриализация: от концепции к реализации [Текст] / В. Г. Варнавский // Друкеровский вестник. – 2019. – № 1. – С. 18-28. DOI: 10.17213/2312-6469-2019-1-18-28.
ISSN 2312-6469
DOI 10.17213/2312-6469-2019-1-18-28
Key aspects of the reindustrialization in the context of post-crisis development in the industrialized economies are studied in the article. The concept of reindustrialization and its implementation in the USA are analyzed. It provides a broad overview of the latest national advanced manufacturing initiatives and institutional frameworks of the federal laws on industrial policy and private-public-partnerships, entered into legal force after 2012. It is shown that conditions for USA manufacturing now are better than they were a five-six years ago, as output and employment are both growing, albeit slowly. But there is not yet strong evidence of a renaissance in U.S. manufacturing activity. It is concluded that main’s share of growth that has occurred appears in the United States to have been driven by a cyclical, market factors, rather than reindustrialization.
Russian Science Citation Index
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