Португальский мир как транснациональное пространство: политическое измерение // Южно-российский журнал социальных наук. 2022. Т. 23, № 2. С. 37-51. DOI 10.31429/26190567-23-2-37-51.
ISSN 2619-0567
DOI 10.31429/26190567-23-2-37-51
The evolution of the modern world has resulted in emergence and widespread use of transnational political spaces (TPPs). The phenomenon of transnational political spaces is complicated and multidimensional, and is by no means limited to integration such as the EU, EAEC or Mercosur, that receive most of the attention in academic discourse. Less institutionally rigid, more informal spaces and communities play an increasingly important role. One of these is the community of Portuguese-speaking countries and their diasporas. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the unique profile of the Portuguese world. The article employs an identitarian approach, a comparative-political method, and a statistical data analysis. The study conceptualizes the notion of the “Portuguese world”, outlines its composition, its key features and development trends. It is emphasized that this is not a merely post-imperial community. Unlike other similar spaces (Francophonie, the British Commonwealth), the religious factor plays a significant role in the “Portugese world”; yet, there is no obvious hegemon. Furthermore, the Portuguese world experiences diffusion from the neighboring states and cultures of which it is itself a part. In other words, the Portuguese world is literally a “world of the worlds.” A particular emphasis is placed on the diasporal dimension of the Portuguese-speaking community. It is concluded that the cross-formation of the diasporas among the Portuguese-speaking countries is crucial as a consolidating power. Eventually, the specific features of the Portuguese world allowed its participants to build internal communication as an inter-civilizational polylogue of traditions and cultures based on a common, and increasingly strengthening, linguo-cultural identity. This analysis has relevance for the concepts of a sustainable and responsible development, as well as for forecasting of the prospective trends of migration and the overall dynamics for a number of global macro-regions in the upcoming decades.
Keywords: transnational political space | Portugal | Brazil | post-imperial community | diaspora | identity | Lusophonia | Portuguese World |
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