Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Polarization or upgrading? Evolution of Employment in Transitional Russia
ISSN 0042-8736
Polarization or upgrading? Evolution of Employment in Transitional Russia
Publication Type:
ISSN 0042-8736
This paper discusses the structural change in the Russian employment and explores whether the evolution of employment in 2000-2012 followed the scenario of progressive upgrading in job quality or brought about the polarization of jobs in terms of their quality. Jobs are defined here as occupation-industry cells and their quality is measured through relative earnings and education levels. Using detailed micro-data from a few complementary large scale surveys, we rank all jobs according to the earnings and educational criteria and divide these distributions into 5 quintiles. At the next stage, we explore dynamic changes in job quality and socio-demographic characteristics of workers in different quintiles. The paper rejects the polarization scenario and confirms the upgrading hypothesis.
Keywords: labor market | structural change | job analysis | job polarization |
Russian Science Citation Index
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Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
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Gimpelson V., Kapelyushnikov Rostislav , Ryzhykova Z.
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Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
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Gimpelson V., Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
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