Политико-экономическая проблематика «Инициативы трех морей» в исследовательской повестке польских экспертно-аналитических центров // Вестник Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта. Серия: Гуманитарные и общественные науки. 2024. № 3. С. 81-91. DOI 10.5922/vestnikhum-2024-3-7.
The research agenda of the most influential Polish think tanks involved in providing informational and expert support for foreign policy activities has been examined. Key political and economic aspects of the implementation of the “Three Seas Initiative,” which are the focus of attention of the Polish expert community, have been identified. Based on the body of publicly available expert opinions and analytical reports, the article presents an assessment of the activities of these think tanks, which substantively contribute to shaping the zone of Poland’s primary foreign policy and foreign economic interests within the framework of the “Three Seas Initiative”.
Keywords: “Three Seas Initiative” | foreign policy expertise | international relations in the Baltic Sea region | Polish foreign policy |
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