Политика США в условиях растущих невоенных вызовов в Европе // Современная Европа. 2021. № 6. С. 52-62. DOI 10.15211/soveurope620215262.
ISSN 0201-7083
DOI 10.15211/soveurope620215262
The article explores the problem of new, non-military challenges for the US in Europe. Previously Washington saw the main regional risks in the military-political sphere. Now serious challenges are emerging in trade, technological and information security. To a large extent, the risks can be associated with the activities of the PRC. The study analyzes the American policy in specific areas (trade, 5G networks, energy exports, relations between allies). The main approaches that Washington can apply to protect its regional interests are as follows: attempts to put pressure on allies by introducing new tariffs and reducing cooperation in several areas; the desire of the US to provide an alternative to the projects of the PRC in the region; deliberate militarization of several topics by the US. But still, the universal instrument is the emphasis on shared values and the issue of human rights. The resolution of bilateral problems between the US and the EU will not fully deal with new risks. Trying to fend off the challenges emanating from the PRC, the US has to partially repeat and duplicate Beijing's policy, creating alternative infrastructure projects or trying to promote its LNG instead of Russian gas.
The article was prepared within the project "Post-crisis world order: challenges and technologies, competition and cooperation" supported by the grant from Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation program for research projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development (Agreement № 075-15-2020-783).
Keywords: transatlantic relations | US-European relations | US foreign policy | non-military challenges |
Russian Science Citation Index
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