Smirnov Alexey
Политические заботы и «семейные проблемы» европейских правых центристов на фоне коронавирусного кризиса // Власть. 2020. Т. 28, № 12. С. 260-266. DOI 10.31171/vlast.v28i6.7793.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2071-5358

DOI 10.31171/vlast.v28i6.7793

The article examines the reaction of European right-wing centrist politicians to the threats associated with the spread of coronavirus infection. The author focuses the main attention on the political context of the problem perception. The coronavirus pandemic that gripped Europe was accompanied by an acute deficit of confidence in the EU leadership. The resulting disagreements have become an additional incentive for the growth of opposition sentiments within the European People's Party, which most consistently defends the integration project priorities. The party leaders are especially concerned about the actions of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which is a charismatic conservative who has his own view of the prospects for the development of European right-wing centrism. The Hungarian example demonstrates the complexity of relations within the European Christian-Democratic «family» and is an indicator of the state of crisis in which moderate conservatism finds itself.

Keywords: European Union | coronavirus crisis | right-wing centrism | European People's Party | integration | nationalism | European project | solidarity | Hungary | Viktor Orban | conservatism |


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