Kharitonova Elena
Weariness and Disillusion: Political Situation in Britain through the prism of Public Opinion
Publication Type:

ISSN 0201-7083

DOI 10.15211/soveurope12020123134

The article examines how the political situation in Britain and Brexit negotiations have transformed the public perceptions of political leaders, parties and the ruling elites in general. The author analyses data from different research centers and concludes that the public mood has significantly changed since the EU membership referendum. While politicians and the media were blaming their political opponents or certain leaders for the ongoing crisis and delaying negotiations on leaving the European Union, the society has been losing trust in all the participants of the negotiations and legislative processes, not only particular people or parties. During of negotiations with the EU led by the Prime Minister Theresa May, the withdrawal agreement was repeatedly rejected by the Parliament. Respondents of different opinion polls expressed growing pessimism in relation to the possibility of reaching a Brexit deal beneficial for the country in the near future and the perspectives of the country after leaving the EU. After the December 2019 snap elections, when the Conservative Party under the leadership of the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson received a majority in the House of Commons and therefore finally delivered Brexit, the political crisis seems to be resolved. However, important questions about the future of the UK political system and the country’s integrity still remain unanswered.

Keywords: United Kingdom | Brexit | Labour Party | Conservative party | public opinion | Northern Ireland |

Russian Science Citation Index


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