Polycrisis Globalization or Sustainable Development 4.0?
Publication Type:

ISSN 0207-3676

The article presents the periodization of the formation of sustainable development strategies as a system of measures taken by the world community to counteract the polycrisis trend of world development. The reasons for the failure of these strategies, which allowed the emergence of existential threat to humanity in the form of "anthropocentric" challenge of economic globalization, are revealed. It is shown that if "the Great Fracture» between the East and the West is overcome on the basis of the system of integrated security, which links socio-economic and environmental problems with issues of security and peace, a systemic and collective resistance to polycrisis globalization can and must be organized.

Keywords: sustainable development | globalization | environmental governance | geopolitics | polycrisis | integrated security | anthropocene | political economy |

Russian Science Citation Index


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